Why MSPs Should Add Computer Disposal to the Services They ProvideWhy MSPs Should Add Computer Disposal to the Services They Provide
Want to make money for yourself and deliver an important service to your customers? Help them get rid of old hardware.
Want to make money for yourself and deliver good service to your customers while you're at it? Here's a simple solution: Help them get rid of old computer hardware.
Computers, unlike diamonds, are not forever. In fact, the average company-owned computer lasts only 4.4 years before being replaced.
The process of replacing an old computer (not to mention servers, mobile devices, network switches and other types of hardware) is not simple. You have to wipe out sensitive data stored on the device (and removing data completely requires much more than simply deleting it from a file system). You also have to contend with environmental regulations that prohibit the dumping of electronics that contain hazardous substances.
Ordinary consumers may not worry much about these things. They tend to be less concerned with data privacy and compliance, and they are less likely to face heavy fines if they are caught throwing old computers in the trash without controlling for hazardous substances. But if you're a company, you can't simply bring old hardware to the dump and get away with it — nor should you, since that is an irresponsible and cost-inefficient thing to do.
MSPs and Old Hardware
That's where MSPs come in. By offering customers a disposal service for computers or other devices that are being replaced, MSPs can provide extra value to their clients, while also making some extra money for themselves.
The disposal service can involve picking up old hardware and then either repurposing it for yourself (just because your customers decided their four- or five-year-old hardware was no longer useful doesn't mean you can't get more life out of it), reselling it or (if it has truly outlived its useful life) disposing of it in a responsible way.
The beauty of adding hardware disposal to the services you provide is that this doesn't have to be your main business. It can just be something you do on the side, and it doesn't take much effort or added expertise on your part. If clients are already relying on you for other managed IT services, there's a good chance they'll be happy to have you help them get rid of old hardware, too.
So, consider doing a favor for yourself, your customers and the environment by helping clients dispose of old devices in a convenient, secure and environmentally-safe way.
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