Everon Launches MSP Coach
Everon Technology Services LLC, one of our MSPmentor 100 companies, has launched MSP Coach. According to a teaser for the site, Everon has “taken everything we’ve learned and begun creating courses, content, and tools that you can use to help build your MSP business.”
When Everon CEO Mike Cooch mentioned the site to me in an email, I asked for more information about Everon’s goals for the site. Here are some highlights from our email conversation.
My question to Mike:
“I realize there’s room in the market for numerous perspectives. But let me ask the obvious question: How do you compare/contrast your goals for MSP Coach vs. MSP Partners, MSPAlliance, MSP University, MSPSN (and I guess to some extent, MSPmentor…).”
Mike’s response:
“Well, I guess I can’t speak for their goals. I have a great time teaching people, and I am very passionate about entrepreneurship and the power of small business. I would love to see if I can help a bunch of MSPs learn to be more successful and grow, and have a good time doing it. At this point I haven’t set more specific goals than that, but I will, and I’ll let you know when I do!
My understanding of the others you mentioned makes me believe that MSPCoach can bring something a bit different from the others. MSP Partners is vendor oriented, MSPSN comes from the perspective of a 5 person MSP business and seems to be aiming to create a consolidation platform of some sort, MSPMentor is more focused on reporting happenings in our industry. I think MSPU is probably the closest to what we are offering, but we aim to deliver more of an ongoing coaching model to really help people apply the lessons.”
Actually, it sounds like Mike at MSP Coach and Erick Simpson at MSPU have something else in common: They’re both working to grow the managed services market. It’s similar to former Novell CEO Ray Noorda’s strategy in the early 1990s, called Coopetition. Sometimes you compete with people, but more often you cooperate with them to drive an industry forward.
It’s too early to say how MSP Coach will evolve. In a blog entry, Mike writes:
“We are just getting it started and this is a “nights and weekends” gig for us, so please be patient — more content will be added as we are able to do so.”
You can check out MSP Coach at www.mspcoach.com.
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