FrontRange Promotes SaaS Solution Through Channel PartnersFrontRange Promotes SaaS Solution Through Channel Partners
July 21, 2011
Until now, FrontRange Solutions sold its SaaS IT service management (ITSM) solution direct to end-customers. Now, six months after FrontRange ITSM hit the market, the software company is letting 150 of its roughly 500 worldwide channel partners resell the ITSM solution to customers. Here’s why.
“Our target regions are the U.S., UK and Australia because we have offices and support in those countries and they’re all English speaking countries,” FrontRange CEO Michael McCloskey told me. FrontRange is offering partners a free, 3-day training course on its ITSM solution. The plan is to lead each partner on their first ITSM sale, make the second sale a joint effort and then allow FrontRange channel partners to lead from their third sale forward. “At that point we’ll just watch over their shoulder,” McCloskey said.
The FrontRange ITSM solution helps customers to define, track and manage company metrics. FrontRange targets clients vary from Internet Service providers to healthcare companies, financial firms, legal offices and hospitality businesses. “There’s fast movement in the SaaS marketplace and our market tends to be very horizontal,” McCloskey said. “Really any company with over 500 employees need some sort of [ITSM] tool.”
The cost of the FrontRange ITSM Software solutions varies according to company size and can range anywhere between $20,000 to $200,000 per year. The average cost of the solution is somewhere between $50,000 to $75,000, according to McCloskey.
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