MSP Doubles Revenue Three Consecutive YearsMSP Doubles Revenue Three Consecutive Years
Some managed service providers make bold statements about their momentum. But Positive Networks of Kansas is one of the few privately held MSPs actually willing to talk dollars and cents. The company, which focuses on managed security services, says its revenue has nearly doubled for the third consecutive year. But that’s not all.
In a prepared statement, CEO Time Sutton said demand for security services “has never been stronger.” In response, Positive Networks has expanded its executive team to include a senior VP of business development, senior VP of sales, executive VP of communications, VP of operations and associate VP of product and service delivery. The company expects to grow its employee headcount by 20 percent in 2008.
Positive Networks’ flagship services are PostivePRO VPN and PhoneFactor. PositivePRO VPN provides secure remote access and endpoint security without an SSL VPN appliance. PhoneFactor is a phone-based two-factor authentication service.
So, what does Positive Networks put in its secret sauce? We don’t have the answers yet, but intend to interview their executive team within the next couple of weeks.
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