OS33 Continues Managed Services Platform EnhancementsOS33 Continues Managed Services Platform Enhancements
July 13, 2011
OS33 continues to enhance and refine its IT-as-a-Service delivery platform for MSPs. Director of Software Engineering Alex Osipov gave me the rundown on the platform’s three main enhancements, and the potential implications for managed services providers.
The enhancements, according to Osipov, include:
1.Enhanced Cloud File Manager: OS33 introduced the OS33 Cloud File Manager in January 2011 and has seen a rise in the use of Cloud File Manager, according to Osipov. The solution allows SMBs to view, edit and save hosted documents in any browser using already-integrated Microsoft Office Web Apps.
“Users usually have to use Microsoft SharePoint first,’ Osipov said. “We let users go straight to Microsoft Web apps.” In case users want to use SharePoint, Osipov said OS33 is working on integrating it into its new platform and should have that completed by the end of July 2011. Today, OS33 is adding instant access to hosted corporate file systems directly from its browser-base Webtop. OS33 plans to integrate more solutions with Cloud File Manager in the next 2-3 months.
2. Cloud Printing: “Cloud printers are in a browser,” Osipov said. “MSPs can provision the printers and do all the back-end stuff. But they don’t need to map printer properties. All of that is all automated now.”
IBM already has its own cloud printing solution and Google released Google Cloud Print a few days ago. OS33 has developed its own cloud printing solution, Osipov said, because of the benefit for OS33’s end-user SMB clients. “They [end-users] can print from work, home or their mobile device,” he said. “OS33 Cloud Printer is compatible with any mobile device.” End-users can use OS33’s interface to print cloud files from any internet browser to any corporate printer. OS33 Cloud Printer is also integrated with Citrix, meaning end-users can install and and access OS33 via Citrix from any mobile device.
3. Enhanced Mobile Support: Did you see this one coming? The new Citrix integration is the key here. It allows end-users to access from any iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile and many other mobile devices. It’s all part of what Osipov noted as an overall change in IT delivery that OS33 has noticed and is moving toward: “Companies have data in multiple offices and in multiple locations. Their data is always on the move. This enhancement, and this release overall, is the first step towards a connected enterprise.”
That’s all for now. MSPmentor will be watching the OS33 community to see how MSPs leverage the platform.
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