PHONE+ Readers Provide Feedback From the Field
November 12, 2008
There’s always a channel conflict with any vendor that has direct sales force. How that conflict is managed separates great channel carriers from poor ones.
— Jeff Ott
AT&T (T), Verizon (VZ) and Embarq will not work with channel partners. They have house account lists and if they allow a channel partner to help the client, they reduce your commissions by up to 50 percent. They feel their resources justify this policy. In my opinion, the largest carriers have done nothing to embrace channel partners.
— Brian Miller
Direct vs. agent should be transparent, as long as both sides exhibit proper ethics: share pricing adjustments, present professionally and let the buyer choose with whom they prefer to have the relationship. Agents generally win 80 percent of the deals, anyway, stressing their positions as independents with longevity. Sometimes splitting a deal with another agent or direct rep can earn you more dollars over time, if the value is there to join forces. Don’t be short-sighted; I’ve seen more deals feel apart because of greed.
— Gary Eisenberger
I have yet to see a program where everyone is comfortable with the process and rules of engagement. Agents can’t get their accounts protected like the direct side, which doesn’t give you a warm and fuzzy feeling about bringing in the direct side. You usually only do it when you must or it’s required.
— Ted Schuman
I know if we had access to carriers’ provisioning portal, things would go more smoothly.
— Bob Morrison
If channel partners had to write their orders into the provisioning portal, things would run more smoothly because the orders would not be accepted until all necessary information had been provided.
— Dale Schneberger
My answer is split. Some carriers now do an excellent job of provisioning, because they’re studied the process and optimized their approaches. We also have carriers who still struggle with provisioning, which is unfortunate, because a poor provisioning experience leads to an angry customer and a short relationship with that customer.
— Adam Edwards
Three years and 6,000 users later, we think so!
— Joe Gillette
The success or failure of hosted VoIP as well as any true VoIP application is still dependent on the bandwidth as well as the last mile provider. All the QOS in the world cannot compensate for a provider that is over-subscribed. TDM is still at a major advantage in today’s market.