The Digital Primacy eBook: The New Channel for the Digital Transformation Era

According to Gartner Group, functional business leaders will account for 80 percent of all ICT spending by 2020, leaving smaller and smaller sums available to managers who work in traditional ICT departments and find themselves tasked to “keep the [digital] lights on.


June 8, 2017

1 Min Read
The Digital Primacy eBook: The New Channel for the Digital Transformation Era

According to Gartner Group, functional business leaders will account for 80 percent of all ICT spending by 2020, leaving smaller and smaller sums available to managers who work in traditional ICT departments and find themselves tasked to “keep the [digital] lights on."

Little wonder, thus, that the traditional ICT channel, which historically has served these technology professionals, feels under siege. In addition to losing influence, it has endured a wave of consolidation and commoditization. It has also struggled to adapt to a new world order in which value is delivered not in a one-time, capital-based transaction, but as long-term, op-ex-based services instead.

As a result, tens of thousands of companies that grew up reselling hardware, software licenses and other tech gear on behalf of the manufacturers face uncertain futures.

But amid this tumult, a new and highly capable channel is emerging. It is comprised of traditional companies that have reinvented themselves for a new era, and newcomers that have similarly identified opportunities to deliver greater customer value.

Here is their story, in a downloadable eBook format.


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