Top 200 MSPs in North America RevealedTop 200 MSPs in North America Revealed

Here's a closer look at the Top 200 Managed Services Providers (MSPs) in North America for 2014, part of the larger MSPmentor 501 Global Edition. Results are based on real-world financial and business metrics.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

March 6, 2014

2 Min Read
Top 200 MSPs in North America Revealed

Who are the top 200 managed services providers (MSPs) in North America? The list — based on financial and business metrics is now available here: MSPmentor 501: North America 200 Edition 2014. The list is part of our larger MSPmentor 501 Global Edition, which tracks the world’s top MSPs based on recurring revenues, devices managed, percentage and dollar growth rates, and more. Here’s some more background.

The MSPmentor 501 is an annual survey and research report. Each year from October to December, MSPs worldwide are invited to participate in the survey. We keep the financial information confidential. The results are like a decathlon rather than a sprint: Overall rankings are based on a range of metrics. Small MSPs typically surface on the list because they score highly on growth rates; large MSPs typically surface on the list because they have large recurring revenue figures overall.

In the Beginning…

The survey started out as a Top 100 list when the first results surfaced in February 2008. But by February 2013, our readership and the overall MSP market had gone global. Hence our evolution toward the following lists:

  • MSPmentor 501 Global Edition

  • MSPmentor 501 North America 200 Edition

  • MSPmentor 501 EMEA 50 Edition (Europe, Middle East, Africa)

  • MSPmentor 501 AANZ 25 Edition (Asia, Australia, New Zealand)

  • MSPmentor 501 Small Business 100 Edition (10 or fewer employees)

True confession: We still don’t have enough data for a regional Central/South America list but we’re marching toward that goal. Plus, we will profile some of the Central and South America MSPs that participated in our overall MSPmentor 501 survey.

Where To Learn More…

Lots of folks ask us questions about the MSPmentor 501. You’ll find 99 percent of the answers — and links to all the global and regional content — right here: Visit that page, poke around, and feel free to send me or Managing Editor Jessica Davis (jessica [dot] davis [at] penton [dot] com) a note if you have more questions.

Special thanks, as usual, to all the MSPs that participate in the annual survey. Note: The survey runs every October through December. Just visit for a survey link at that time. Results surface on a webcast each February.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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