Valentines Day is Coming: Are You Showing Your Clients the Love?Valentines Day is Coming: Are You Showing Your Clients the Love?
Valentines Day is just around the corner. While you’re thinking about taking your sweetheart out or maybe just treating yourself to a night of good wine and food, consider for just a moment if you’re showing the love to your clients.
Valentines Day is just around the corner. While you’re thinking about taking your sweetheart out or maybe just treating yourself to a night of good wine and food, consider for just a moment if you’re showing the love to your clients.
I don’t mean putting together cheesy managed services marketing tactics with Cupid shooting an arrow connected to a spool of optic cabling. That kind of goofy adherence to the holiday just makes people groan. What I mean is taking the time to acknowledge the relationship you have with your clients.
Frankly, this is something you should be doing more than once a year, but Valentines is as good as day as any to get started. It’s simply about making your clients feel special, feel appreciated, and feel wanted – just like you’d do with anyone else you take out on Valentines.
Here are some ideas:
1. Just pick up the phone.
Seriously, a simple phone call goes MILES with most people. Ring up your client and say, “Hey, just wanted to thank you for putting your trust in me and my team. I hope everything’s good by you. Is there anything I can do for you right now?”
A phone call is PERSONAL – don’t do this sort of thing by email. Let them hear your voice and know that you actually care about their business.
2. Send a thank you card or Valentine
Getting something in the mail that isn’t a bill is always a treat these days. Take the time to write a note thanking your client for working with you. WRITE this note, don’t type it – even if your handwriting is messy, taking the time to actually write is something most people don’t do anymore. It shows your consideration. Do this for the envelope too. It takes you all of 3 minutes to write a note, seal and address the envelope, and put it in the mail. It will gain you years of loyalty.
NOTE: If you’re going to send an actual Valentine, try to keep in mind the sense of humour of your client. Will they appreciate something with hearts and cartoons on it? Will they laugh at getting a Valentine card? Or will they just roll their eyes? If you think they’ll get a kick out of it, go for the humour. They’ll be far more likely to remember it down the road.
3. Do something special for the Top Tier clients
For those clients that really help you pay the bills, go out of your way to show the gratitude. Take them out to lunch, buy them breakfast, stop in at their office. It’s like any other long-term relationship you want to keep healthy – Put in the time and effort to show them how much you care, and that relationship will last forever. DO SOMETHING SPECIAL.
One way or another, show your clients the love. It costs so little for you to show your consideration, but it gains you so much to do it. No marketing tactic can beat that personal connection, and only you can build that with your clients.
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