5 Ways to Profit From Data Center Growth
Data centers are popping up across the country as a never-ending stream of new Internet applications strain the nation's information storage capabilities. Worldwide demand for data centers is expected to
March 15, 2010
By Christine Callahan 2
Data centers are popping up across the country as a never-ending stream of new Internet applications strain the nation’s information storage capabilities. Worldwide demand for data centers is expected to rise 12 percent just this year, and 17 percent in 2012, according to Tieri Research. How can VARs grab their share of the data center opportunity? Here are some suggestions.
The conversation starts with I.T. talent. Simply put, there isn’t enough I.T. talent to fill newly created data center jobs due to this growth. Not that many people out there right now are versed in the data center of today — which includes multiple disciplines including virtualization, storage as well as the facilities infrastructure.
This reality creates a real sweet spot for VARs today. By providing a Data Center Services Program, VARs can land lucrative, high volume projects. There are 5 Ways to take advantage of the explosive growth in data center market.
Hardware Support
Hardware Procurement
Proactive Monitoring
I.T. Education
OS Support
To do this well, VARs need to partner with a solution provider to supply the back-end. This is most easily accomplished by finding a Master ISMO that offers these revenue generating programs TURN-KEY.
Christine Callahan
This approach will also provide a North American solution that will allow for extended sales and support — meaning added sales opportunities, and bigger opportunities. To find a Master ISMO that right for you, visit www.goismo.com.Christine Callahan (pictured) manages channel and alliance programs for ServiceKey. Monthly guest blogs such as this one are part of The VAR Guy’s 2010 sponsorship program. Read all of her guest blogs here.
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