Acronyms for Fun and Profit; WAYWFAcronyms for Fun and Profit; WAYWF
There are a lot of acronyms in our world: MSP, SMB, SOHO, VM, RAM, ROM, LMNOP. (Heh, I’m just making sure you’re paying attention on that last one.) The whole acronym world salad gets a littl
August 5, 2011
By Eric Townsend 2
tech acronyms
There are a lot of acronyms in our world: MSP, SMB, SOHO, VM, RAM, ROM, LMNOP. (Heh, I’m just making sure you’re paying attention on that last one.) The whole acronym world salad gets a little crazy sometimes. At Intel, too, someone is always tossing out some new acronym that is supposed to be better and faster than just speaking in plain sentences.There is one acronym, though, that we use often at Intel and I stand by it: BKM or Best Known Method(s). Best Known Methods are the practice of sharing what has worked (often by illustrating what has NOT worked). I think it’s particularly important for managed service providers whose bottom lines are tied to what they know and how quickly they know it. If an MSP has to spend cycles looking for an answer, that’s time spent not helping customers, which really means it’s money lost.
Google BKM or best known methods and you get 24,800 results – and almost all of them are aimed at IT professionals and have to do with implementing software. Whether you’re installing a patch, an office productivity suite, or provisioning PCs with Intel vPro technology, you likely know little tips and tricks that make implementation smoother or help unlock the real value of the software.
The Engineer Advantage
Intel was founded by engineers so we have a boatload of BKMs that you can take advantage of. From discovery tools and methods that can help you find which systems in your clients’ installed base are PCs based on Intel vPro technology to cheat sheets and platform training that help you learn how to utilize the full potential of Intel vPro technology, we’ve got tools to help you succeed.
We’re not just drinking our own Kool-Aid. Sure, we’ve got lots of Intel tools and BKMs, but we also have links out to other sites that can show you how Intel vPro technology can help improve your service margins. There are use case guides for RMM software, including Kaseya, LabTech, Level Platforms, and N-able. Or, if you don’t use a large-scale RMM tool, we can show you how you can easily activate and manage Intel vPro technology-based PCs with Spiceworks—starting almost immediately.
Look, I know this sounds a bit like an infomercial – so I’ll shut up and let Rick Vines, President of Axcell Technologies tell you what he thinks. “Without a doubt, vPro is a competitive advantage. It gives us a better offering than the other guy. It makes us look smarter – we’re bringing the customer something new with visible value to their business. And we’re doing it all more efficiently than our competitors.”
eric townsend
So the real question is, WAYWF (What Are You Waiting For)?Eric Townsend is Director of MSP and SMB Marketing for Intel Corp. You can contact Eric at [email protected]. Monthly guest blog posts like this one are part of MSPmentor’s annual platinum sponsorship. Read all of Townsend’s guest blogs here.
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