The Bottom Line In Efficient ServiceThe Bottom Line In Efficient Service
There are MSPs out there who continue to grow their businesses and they all seem to share two characteristics: a relentless focus on providing stellar customer service while also maintaining an
October 18, 2011
By Eric Townsend 2
customer service
There are MSPs out there who continue to grow their businesses and they all seem to share two characteristics: a relentless focus on providing stellar customer service while also maintaining an eye on their bottom line. It’s a tough balancing act, and getting tougher as the companies MSPs serve (and MSPs themselves) scrutinize every penny of spending and find ways to optimize and increase cost efficiencies. Only MSPs who are delivering more value than the other guy – and can also do more with less – are going to thrive long-term.Many technologies can help you tweak your managed services operations to provide better more efficient service. But Intel vPro technology delivers real dollars directly to your bottom line using the tools you already own. See these real-world numbers from MSPs like you.
Using Intel vPro technology with your existing management console software lets you walk into your customers and prospects with demonstrably greater value—less PC downtime, fewer interruptions, greater security, faster problem resolution, and lower power costs.
Rick Vines, president of Axcell Technologies puts it this way: “Without a doubt, vPro is a competitive advantage. It gives us a better offering than the other guy. It makes us look smarter – we’re bringing the customer something new with visible value to their business. And we’re doing it all more efficiently than our competitors.”
By reducing the cost of service delivery, you can enjoy better margins, improved utilization of personnel, and faster responses to customers. See how providers like you—such as Speros, Axcell Technologies, Circle Computer, and Green Light Business Technologies—are using vPro to establish competitive advantage.
In the words of Sean Furman, president of STF Consulting, “Tools like vPro definitely support our competitive advantage. It puts us in a position to deliver more than other providers.”
This means you don’t have to make tough decisions or perform complex calculations to improve your bottom line, and that’s something I think we can all be grateful for.
eric townsend
Eric Townsend is Director of MSP and SMB Marketing for Intel Corp. You can contact Eric at [email protected]. Monthly guest blog posts like this one are part of MSPmentor’s annual platinum sponsorship. Read all of Townsend’s guest blogs here.You May Also Like