Answering Common Sales Objections to Cloud Computing
As managed service providers (MSPs) have no doubt realized, there are still organizations out there that are completely resistant to adopting the cloud. With the benefits already well-documented, what is holding these organizations back?
March 18, 2015
By Michael Brown 1
Even as more organizations adopt cloud solutions, other organizations are resistant to the idea. With the benefits of using cloud tools and cloud-based file sharing already well-documented, what is holding these organizations back? And how can managed service providers (MSPs) alleviate concerns?
A recent report from suggests that there isn’t so much a single reason why organizations are hesitant to adopt cloud solutions, but, rather, an over-arching fear. Many companies still don’t really understand cloud computing, and instead focus on outdated perceptions of how the cloud can negatively impact a company.
Education can help. MSPs can start educating potential clients by first understanding their fears. Let’s take a look at some of the popular questions about cloud solutions from concerned organizations—and how MSPs can answer those objections:
Is the cloud secure?
Above all else, security is the biggest concern surrounding the cloud. Security is also the popular answer for every company to sidestep the conversation as to why they’ve yet to adopt the cloud. MSPs need to be clear on this topic: cloud security, right now, is better than it has ever been. And, it will only continue to improve.
High-profile data breaches continue to cast the cloud in a negative light, but the positive to come from these adverse situations is the improvement in cloud security and the awareness that individual companies need to do their part to adhere to the security playbooks they’re given.
Will we lose our data?
Another common misconception of cloud computing is that the cloud magically loses data and information. It’s as if companies believe that, since they can’t see the cloud, they can’t see their information safe and sound (and secure).
Like in the earlier days of cloud security, prior iterations of cloud solutions have left behind a lingering negative perception of the industry. MSPs can do well to alleviate these concerns by providing information as to their clean reputations regarding data loss, even offering clients a contingency plan should any unfortunate events arise.
Changing our methods will take too long
Any time an organization makes changes to the way they go about their business, there’s at least some adjustment that needs to be made. However, the significance of this adjustment period is largely overestimated.
While any transition can provide a few hiccups, MSPs are here to ensure that clients can get through the process as smoothly as possible. If need be, MSPs can stagger the services they provide to clients, one at a time, to ensure the client won’t be overwhelmed. Regardless, today’s cloud services make transitions easier and more productive than ever before.
We need to remain compliant
By now, you may have noticed a theme for responding to these inquiries: what was once an issue has since been remedied. In terms of questions regarding compliance, MSPs should be grateful to work with clients that understand their own compliance concerns.
Perhaps unlike in previous times, today’s cloud applications have been upgraded to meet the compliance standards of any and all applicable governing bodies. Many more have been developed—from day one—with multi-industry compliance in mind.
If organizations can receive enough of a cloud education to understand that they no longer need to fear it, the only questions that MSPs need ask of them is how soon they can be ready to get started.
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