Apple Hysteria: Is iPhone More Important than Sleep and Sex?

An Apple exec appears to have reaffirmed the idea that the company is planning to develop lower-priced offerings for the iPhone in order to broaden its appeal.

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March 1, 2011

1 Min Read
Apple Hysteria: Is iPhone More Important than Sleep and Sex?

We all know Apple‘s iPhone is all the rage.

But is the gadget really more central to our lives than sleep and sex? Yes, according to Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook.

In a meeting with Berstein Research analyst Toni Sacconaghi, Cook reportedly said the iPhone was just below food and water on Maslows hierarchy of needs, according to Forbes. Maslows hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, and according to the pyramid provided by Wikipedia, food and water is listed before sex, sleep, homeostasis and excretion.

While the comparison of the iPhone to food, water and sleep is absurd, Apple executives appear to be on a mission to make the device as well-known to the world as the basic necessities of life.

Analyst Sacconaghi said Cook appeared to reaffirm the notion that Apple is likely to develop lower priced offerings” for the iPhone and that the company did not want its products to simply be for the affluent.

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