CenturyLink Offers Mobile Marketing Service to Businesses

CenturyLink Moblitzer is a Web-based, low-cost tool for businesses and organizations wanting to use text messaging to reach customers, prospects and associates.

Channel Partners

September 14, 2010

2 Min Read
CenturyLink Offers Mobile Marketing Service to Businesses

CHANNEL PARTNERS The Pew Research Centers 2010 Mobile Access Survey shows that 72 percent of all cell phone users send and receive text messages. As text messaging continues to grow in popularity among teens and adults, businesses are beginning to use the communications tool as an effective way to communicate with their customers and employees.

CenturyLink (Booth #3037 at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo) is now offering a mobile marketing service to businesses to help them make those connections. CenturyLink Moblitzer is a Web-based, low-cost tool for businesses and organizations wanting to use text messaging to reach customers, prospects and associates. Businesses using Moblitzer can create campaigns within minutes and instantly send text messages to customers who opt-in for the notifications. Its uses include: 

  • Reminding customers of appointments or important events

  • Sending coupons or special offers to customers

  • Announcing meeting or venue changes

  • Notifying customers of new products or product shipments

  • Weather and emergency alerts

  • Boosting customer traffic during slow times of the day, week or year

A survey by Harris Interactive finds that 42 percent of 18-to-34-year-olds and 33 percent of 35-to-44-year-olds with cell phones were interested in receiving alerts on their cell phones from places they frequent. Businesses using text messaging have the potential to increase revenue, reduce costs and retain and improve relationships with their customers. The mobile messaging read rate is more than 90 percent and costs less than most forms of advertising.

Text messaging is simple, universal, immediate and affordable. At less than 10 cents per contact, Moblitzer can help businesses immediately reach qualified leads for a fraction of the cost of a postage stamp,” said Mark Megee, CenturyLink Wholesale Markets Business & Product Development. Companies are also seeing it as a beneficial way of getting information to employees quickly.”

CenturyLinks real estate department in Overland Park, Kan. is using Moblitzer as a way to communicate with nearly 1,000 employees within the building. Those who opt-in will receive notifications of special building alerts, emergencies, call for action and other important notices.

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