Customer Sues After Phone Bill Exposes Her Affair

Channel Partners

May 17, 2010

2 Min Read
Customer Sues After Phone Bill Exposes Her Affair

Here’s a new one: If you have an affair and your spouse leaves you, try blaming your communications provider. Sue them for $600,000 and see what happens. That’s exactly what’s going on in Canada, where a Toronto woman says a change in Rogers Wireless’ billing practices caused her husband to find out about her extramarital affair.

When Gabriella Nagy’s husband added Internet and TV service to their home account, Rogers sent them a unified bill, which included calls made on Nagy’s cell phone, for which she had previously received separately under her maiden name. The hubby noticed a number of lengthy calls to a number he didn’t recognize. He called it, and the “other man” told him all about the affair he was having with his wife. Not long after, the husband walked out on the marriage.

The lawsuit claims that Rogers “unilaterally terminated its cellular contract with the plaintiff that had been in her maiden name and included it in the husband’s account that was under his surname … such unilateral [billing] by the defendant was done without the knowledge, information, belief, acquiescence or approval of the plaintiff.”

In a statement, Rogers said it “[We are] not the cause of [the couples’ breakup. It] happened, or alternatively would in any event have happened, regardless of the form in which the plaintiff and her husband received their invoices for Rogers services …”

Rogers goes on to say that its unified billing practice is intended to save its customers some money.

Nagy, according to the Toronto Star, is ashamed and embarrassed by the whole thing, saying “It was a mistake, but I didn’t deserve to lose my life over it.” She claims that after her husband left and her and their two small children, she lost her job because she was so distraught.

Worse yet, the woman’s former lover managed to get hold of her voice mail password, according to the lawsuit, and use it to harass her and her husband.

This is one “triple play” that didn’t work out.

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