iPhone, Other Gadgets More Important than Sex?

One-third of all respondents said they would be more willing to give up sex for a week than relinquish their mobile phone.

August 5, 2011

1 Min Read
iPhone, Other Gadgets More Important than Sex?

By Josh Long

Americans are obsessed with their iPhones and other mobile gadgets, and apparently some people would rather temporarily forego sex, chocolate and other guilty pleasures rather than lose their smartphone.

Thats according to a survey of 514 mobile phone users of driving age commissioned by TeleNav Inc.

One-third of all respondents said they would be more willing to give up sex for a week than relinquish their mobile phone. Of those individuals willing to make such a sacrifice, 70 percent were women.

A significant percentage of people surveyed also said they would be willing to forego exercise (54 percent), chocolate (63 percent), caffeine (55 percent) and alcohol (70 percent) than lose their mobile phone.

One bizarre finding: 83 percent of iPhone users thought other iPhone users would make the best romantic partner, according to TeleNav. Only 70 percent of individuals who own an Android-powered gadget felt the same way about their fellow Android users. The portion of BlackBerry users who felt the same way about their fellow users was only 48 percent.

The survey also found that iPhone users are twice as likely than Android users to have spent more than $40 on applications for their phone.

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