Behaviors All Leaders Should DemonstrateBehaviors All Leaders Should Demonstrate
For me, Colin Powell's "Thirteen Rules" are good guidelines for great leaders.
March 28, 2014
By David Byrd
Since IP communications is such a fast growing industry segment, we are hiring at a torrid pace. And with so much to do, there is little time for professional and career training. Consequently, I think it’s important to share an article on leadership by Jeff Boss that I read over the weekend entitled, “4 Behaviors You Never Want to See in a Leader.” They are:
Complaining or criticizing another leader
Emotional volatility
Playing “nice” (friendship should not trump managing the team and executing company objectives)
Micromanagement of professionals
While I agree with the above and would recommend we make certain that leaders/managers in every company, at every level, take the list to heart, it doesn’t tell inexperienced leaders the behaviors you do want to see. For that, I am reminded of a seminar where Colin Powell presented his “Thirteen Rules.” (For those of you unfamiliar with Colin Powell, he is a highly decorated veteran and respected statesman. A four-star general, he served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He concluded his military and government career as Secretary of State under President George W. Bush.)
The Thirteen Rules:
It ain’t as bad as you think! It will look better in the morning!
Get mad, then get over it!
Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it!
It can be done!
Be careful whom you choose!
Don’t let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision.
You can’t make someone else’s decisions! You shouldn’t let someone else make yours!
Check small things!
Share credit!
Remain calm! Be kind!
Have a vision! Be demanding!
Don’t take counsel of your fears or naysayers!
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier!
I keep these on a card and refer to them often in my role as CMO for ANPI. Perhaps they can assist you or someone you know.
David Byrd is chief marketing officer at ANPI and leads marketing programs for SMBs, enterprises and carriers. Prior to joining the company, Byrd was chief marketing officer and executive vice president of sales at Broadvox where he built a nationally recognized channel partner program and award-winning SIP product offering.
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