So, Who Is The VAR Guy?

The VAR Guy

May 14, 2008

2 Min Read
So, Who Is The VAR Guy?

Matt Asay, a leading voice in the open source community and a top blogger at CNet, claims he has met The VAR Guy — and The VAR Guy’s beautiful wife. Asay’s yarn makes for an interesting read. But is it true — did he really meet our resident blogger? Weigh the following facts before deciding for yourself.

In a May 13 entry, Asay writes:

Today I got to meet him [The VAR Guy] in person, along with his beautiful wife (“The VAR Lady”?). It turns out that The VAR Guy is an entrepreneur as well as a great blogger/journalist.

Hmmm. Let’s analyze that paragraph, section by section:

  • Asay’s Claim: “Today, I got to meet him in person…”

  • The VAR Guy’s Response: No comment 😉

  • Asay’s Claim: “… along with his beautiful wife (The VAR Lady?).”

  • The VAR Guy’s Response: If The VAR Guy really had a beautiful wife, would he spend so much time blogging for so little money? And would that beautiful lady really hang out with a dork who can’t keep a day job?

  • Asay’ Claim: “It turns out that The VAR Guy is an entrepreneur…”

  • The VAR Guy’s Response: Yup, our resident blogger starts lots of things (online debates, skirmishes and the occasional fist fight) but can he really build a business? Surely, you need to write a business plan and find funding to succeed in business… or do you?

  • Asay’s Claim: “…as well as a great blogger/journalist.”

  • The VAR Guy’s Response: Guilty as charged — at least until readers discover that The VAR Guy prefers quoting himself rather than Gartner analysts.

Officially, The VAR Guy will neither confirm nor deny that he met Matt Asay. He certainly admires Asay’s blog … and all the work Asay is doing in the open source industry. And he appreciates the occassional free cup of Starbucks from a peer blogger.

Thank you, Matt, for protecting The VAR Guy’s identity — if, indeed, you really know who The VAR Guy is.

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