CA Beefs Up Capacity-Management Abilities with Hyperformix Buy

CA has announced its intent to acquire Hyperformix, which provides capacity management software for virtual, cloud and physical IT infrastructures.

September 28, 2010

2 Min Read
CA Beefs Up Capacity-Management Abilities with Hyperformix Buy

By Charlene O'Hanlon

In its latest move designed to position it as a leader in virtualization management, CA is has announced its intent to acquire Hyperformix, which provides capacity-management software for virtual, cloud and physical IT infrastructures.

This technology augments our virutalization and cloud computing strategy unveiled a few months ago, in which we announced our intent to drive management in various pillars and one of those is virtualization management,” said Subo Guha, vice president of virtualization product management at CA.

Hyperformixs capacity planning technology provides users the information they need to reduce whats known as VM sprawl an inordinate number of virtual machines on the network or VM stall the tendency of companies to stop virtualizing their servers when faced with implementation issues. The core component of the Hyperformix technologies allows companies to eliminate sprawl,” Guha said. It helps them understand which physical systems they should move to virtual. To build out a virtualized environment effectively, it really takes a model. Hyperformix brings that expertise.”

Guha noted that in conversations with CAs channel partners and customers, VM sprawl has become a common pain point. Im hearing as a common theme that companies are now spending four to five times in operational costs because they cant get control over their environment due to VM sprawl. Capacity planning is one of the top issues they face,” he said.

Hyperformixs technology not only provides the intelligence needed to effectively map out a strategy for virtualization, it also predicts the future through modeling so users can see where and when capacity will become problematic.

There is a great deal of interest for this technology within the channel, especially with systems integrators.  They need tools like this to do capacity planning.”

We see this as a key planning tool to provide partners the ability to provide assessment and design capabilities,” Guha said. And the product is hetergenous, so it can look at all environments and recommend how to optimize those environments its a tool that helps channel partners take their virtualization services to the next level.”

The acquisition is expected to be complete by Dec. 31. Once that occurs, the Hyperformix technology will be integrated into CAs Virtualization and Automation business. It then will be offered as a standalone product that partners can either resell to their customers or use as a service offering. Guha said the company is looking into managed services options for the technology as well.

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