Case Study: Effortless Provides Seamless Technical Operations for Element by Westin

Cloud solutions enabled hotel staff to focus on delivering on outstanding guest experience.

Channel Partners

April 15, 2016

3 Min Read
Case Study Challenge

The Company

Effortless Office
Twitter: @eocloud

Effortless Office offers businesses a cloud-based computing platform with all-inclusive software licensing. Companies of all sizes can operate like enterprise-level companies without large overhead costs for hardware, software and communications systems. IT-as-a-service delivered from a private, hybrid cloud provides more flexibility and responsiveness, while improving efficiency and controlling costs.

The Client

Element Las Vegas Summerlin is the first non-gaming extended stay hotel in the upscale Las Vegas community of Summerlin. The $25 million, 123-suite hotel in The Gardins village is a project of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. (which owns Westin Hotels & Resorts) and LaPour Partners Inc.

The Challenge

From the blueprinting stage to the go-live, Element needed a trusted partner to oversee the technical operations of their new development. Element wanted a secure, user-friendly computing experience to allow different users access to different data. The hotel required a high-speed, efficient computing network that would allow for scaling up or down, had access to qualified IT support for multiple locations, provided backup and disaster recovery and had advanced security and protection for sensitive client data. Element had tight corporate and compliance guidelines. The system had to be working in a few short months.

The Solution

Effortless Office provided Element with:

  • Effortless Desktop, a centralized cloud-based desktops-as-a-service (DaaS) solution that was compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements

  • Advanced security with Effortless Defense

  • Secure sending and receiving of emails with Effortless Encrypt

  • Remotely managed Effortless Wi-Fi in each guest room

The migration to Effortless’ solution took approximately …


… two weeks.

The Results

According to James Coleman, chief development office and co-owner of Element, the Effortless suite of cloud computing solutions “allows us to be more efficient and focus on delivering an outstanding guest experience.”{ad}

Being able to log into the company’s applications from any location or device allows managers and staff to spend more time working with clients. Staff now have an all-in-one resource, which builds accountability, expedites communication and helps to ensure uninterrupted work flow. All users are on the same software and operating system versions, with updates applied globally, keeping everyone in synch. In addition, users can be added and deleted quickly and easily.

Staff surveys reveal an increase in job satisfaction attributable to the Effortless DaaS solution; staff also feels that Effortless has provided them with tools to complete projects faster.

While the cost of Effortless’ solution, compared to others, was significantly lower, Coleman said saving money month-to-month on tech costs was not the main reason they were selected. “Working with Effortless may save us some money, but for us it was not the leading factor in our choice of IT providers,” Coleman said. “For Element, we had a customer experience that had to be carefully created to be in line with the Starwood’s brand initiatives. Effortless provides so many technical disciplines which come together to meet our needs. And the staff supporting us at Effortless all have the same ‘customer first’ attitude that we have.”

Do you have a success story you’d like to share? The Channel Partners Case Study Challenge is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. They will be published in a special section on the Channel Partners site, and the best ones will be awarded a Case Study Challenge Winner logo for use on their own websites. The best of the best will be invited to share their stories during a live session at a Channel Partners event. Case studies should be 1,200 words or less. You can download the form, send responses directly to Lorna Garey, editor-in-chief, or use our Web submission process. Let us hear from you!

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