I Have the Power!

Channel Partners

February 1, 2005

2 Min Read
I Have the Power!

Georgia Tech has developed a microgenerator that produces enough power to run devices as small as cell phones.

Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed a microgenerator that produces enough power to run small electronics like cell phones.

The microgenerator is about the size of a dime and delivers more energy and lasts 10 times longer than a conventional battery. The microgenerator produces electricity by spinning a small magnet above a mesh of coils fabricated on a chip. The magnet spins at 100,000 revolutions per minute, as compared to the 3,000rpm of an average car engine. Speed like that is capable of producing 1.1 watts of power, or enough juice to run a cell phone. It is expected the microgenerator eventually will produce as much as 50 watts, capable of powering a laptop.

How Rude!

Smokeouts have met with great success, and now it’s time for the Great American Rude Out. Telephone Doctor, a Missouri-based customer service training company, wants to know the rudest comment or action you have ever experienced. The winning entrant will receive $1,000, and the nine runners-up will get $100 apiece.

“Rudeness is running rampant,” says Nancy Friedman, president of Telephone Doctor. “It seems as though there is an epidemic of rudeness …. There are millions of “rudes” in the world, from inappropriate cell phone use, to not cleaning up a mess you left.”

Entrants may send as many entries as they like, but must limit each to 500 words or fewer. E-mail your rude experience to [email protected]. Include your name, address and phone number. The contest ends Feb. 28, and winners will be notified by e-mail.


“Convergence is like the weather - everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it. That’s why SBC is here. 2005 will be a transformational year for consumers, for convergence and for companies that deliver.”

- SBC Chairman and CEO Ed Whitacre speaking at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Alternate Channel


Georgia Tech www.gatech.eduTelephone Doctor www.telephonedoctor.com

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