IN-BOX April 2000IN-BOX April 2000

Channel Partners

April 1, 2000

4 Min Read
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Perfect Timing

I am a distributor of prepaid phone cards in Baltimore, Md. My volume is high
enough that I decided to make my own cards. I’m right now searching for carriers
and so on. The timing of PHONE+ Prepaid (March issue) couldn’t have been
better. Thank you.

William Z. Rivkin
Conquest Communications

Pulsating Forward
I like the addition (and edition–pun intended!) of PHONE+ Prepaid.
(You asked for input in "The Letter.") Interesting features, nice
layout–very professional! As you stated, this is an ever-growing part of the
industry. Way to keep your finger on the pulse!

Stu Berkowitz
Executive Account Manager
Macrologic, Inc.
([email protected])

Show Me the Pre-Paid Money

I read your articles on prepaid cards. Very interesting. Some of the
companies in the PHONE+ Prepaid section are guilty of selling thousands
of cards while neglecting to pay the payphone provider compensation for allowing
the customer to use the card on a payphone.

They even collect a 50-cent fee off the card while telling the customer it is
required to pay the payphone provider. Great, where is it? It’s in their

There are cards in the article that I have found around my phones, however I
have not been compensated by that company. When you find a way to promote
payment to the payphone providers, do it!

I believe when you do an article you should check out the whole show. These
people are stealing from the vendors and they are getting an extra 50 cents to

I am a small operator with only six telephones. Last quarter I had over
16,000 calls placed through my phones, of which 97.5 percent used calling cards.
I received compensation for 437 calls. I was paid for two calls by the people
who are bragging about how many cards they are selling.

I will not enlarge my route until we get the thieves out of the business. I
am doing my part by informing every agency that has anything to do with

Names from every calling card I find is being forwarded to those agencies. I
hope for a better future.

William D. Nevills
NevCom Communications,Inc.
([email protected])


In February’s issue of PHONE+, the article "Rid Yourself of
Platform Snooze: Prepaid Rage is Way to Robust Future," incorrectly
identifies AmeriCom Communications and its website address. The correct website

In the CompTel Dailies and in the March issue of PHONE+, the URL for
Williams Communications was incorrect. It should be

Finally, in the March PHONE+, Broadview Networks Inc.’s (
new vice president of sales for agent and affiliate channels, Richard D.
Rothman, was incorrectly identified.

We apologize for the errors.


At Your Service

PHONE+ Magazine

Subscription inquiries can be made by calling +1 480 990 1101 or writing us
at PHONE+ Magazine, Virgo Publishing, P.O. Box 40079, Phoenix, AZ
85067-0079. Please remember to provide your complete address, including ZIP

In Box letters must include the writer’s name, address and daytime phone
number and should be sent to Khali Henderson, Editor-in-Chief, PHONE+ Magazine,
P.O. Box 40079, Phoenix, AZ 85067-0079, faxed to +1 480 675 8115 or e-mailed to [email protected].
Letters may be edited for space and clarity and may appear in electronic
versions of PHONE+.

Soap Box submissions should be sent to Khali Henderson, Editor-in-Chief,
PHONE+ Magazine, at the address, fax or e-mail listed above.

Reprints and Permissions: To purchase reprints (minimum order: 500), contact
Maureen Williams at +1 480 990 1101, ext. 1186. To obtain permission to
reproduce PHONE+ mat-erial, contact Marla Ellerman at +1 480 990 1101, ext.

Special Issues

PHONE+ Long Distance Carriers and Resellers Source Book is a semi-annual
directory of carriers, resellers and support service providers in the long
distance industry.

PHONE+ 1999 Annual Industry Directory is a definitive source of telecom
service and equipment providers, covering all facets of the telecom industry
from billing to switch manufacturers and more.

PHONE+ International is a bi-monthly magazine providing international
carriers, resellers and agents in the world’s newly competitive regions with
in-depth business technology and market information.

To order any of these publications, contact Virgo Publishing, P.O. Box 40079,
Phoenix, AZ 85067-0079 or call +1 480 990 1101 and ask for the circulation


PHONE+ Online, an electronic version of the magazine (including archives and
daily news updates), is available on the World Wide Web at

PHONE+ International Online can be viewed on the World Wide Web at

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