In the Name of Science

Channel Partners

July 31, 2007

3 Min Read
In the Name of Science

Ive just started a new book about philosophy. Before you are tempted to be impressed, let me disclose that its technically from the young adult section, so its not exactly heavy reading. The author kindly breaks down all of the great thinkers and their thoughts to be understood by a pre-teen girl named Sophie, who is trying to understand the meaning of life. After a day at the office, that comprehension level rather works well for me.

Ive only just started the story; we have just reviewed mythology and are discussing naturalists. (For those of you like me who have no clue, these are basically people that were the precursors of modern scientists.) Sophie and I have just met Heraclitus (540 – 480 B.C.). He believed that the constant change was the most basic characteristic of nature. (We cannot step twice in the same river, yada, yada.) Without the constant interplay of opposites, he believed the world would cease to exist. His idea is that you cant understand what it means to feel warm if youve never been cold, full if you have never been hungry, or celebrated if you have never been anonymous. Makes sense.

So, like me, many of you would truly appreciate the chance to escape the daily grind and experience how the beautiful people live. Were in luck. Channel Partners Conference and Expo and McLeodUSA have teamed up to sponsor a party at one of New York Citys hottest night clubs, Lotus. Located in the trendy meatpacking district, Lotus is the playground for models and celebrities. Regulars at the three-level restaurant-loungedance club include Naomi Campbell, Elle McPherson, Kristy Hume, Sean (Puffy) Combs, Leonardo DiCaprio, Billy Zane and Jennifer Lopez.

The party is the official after-hours event for the Channel Partners Conference & Expo (see link for details). Conference attendees (i.e., you and me) can pass through the velvet ropes and get into the swanky club from 9 to 11 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 26. We can enjoy our muddled watermelon martinis and look past the Gwyneth Paltrow look-alikes who serve them. (Hey, its all in the name of science.)

And theres also a free ride a Lotus-bound shuttle will leave the convention center after the exhibit hall closes, and return after the party. This is a good thing for all you three-martini philosophers. (Yes, you!) After two hours of drinks on the house, I am sure more than a few of you will posit theories on the origins of life and why we are here between professions of affection for your fellow man. And, when the 6 a.m. alarm awakens you and your inevitable headache, you will appreciate sobriety and commit to it with all your being once again. See how this opposite thingy works? Heraclitus really was on to something.

In all seriousness, we have a great agenda planned for you with a little business by day in New Jersey and a little fun at night in New York City. Its the best of both worlds. Now, thats my kind of philosophy.

Khali Henderson
Group Editor

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