August 1, 2003

4 Min Read

By Khali Henderson

Posted: 8/2003

Fax to the Max

By Khali Henderson

FaxCore Corp. announced in mid-May
the launch of an aggressive channel initiative to deliver customized fax
communications solutions. The reason for the strong push is the company, a
former VAR itself, needs some help evangelizing its product to small and
medium-sized businesses. You see, it’s not your father’s fax machine, but a true
"production faxing" system.

What’s that? The company’s new
FaxCore 4300 integrates the Internet and mixed-mode messaging to make sending
and receiving of documents via fax as easy as e-mailing. It’s a fax server?
Well, yes, but the key difference is, by using Microsoft’s .NET framework, it
can fax-enable business processes and streamline workflow.

"Fax servers can be integrated
with applications to trigger workflow and automate business processes,"
explains analyst Peter Davidson, president of Davidson Consulting. "For
example, the technology can be used to fax sales confirmations or purchase
orders once a transaction is completed. Additionally, fax is widely used with
EDI and other e-business applications, to confirm delivery, as it provides a
proven method of transport."

Tom Linhard, president of FaxCore,
explains, despite the Internet, faxing remains viable. While instant messaging
and e-mail are replacing phone calls, business documents (e.g., purchase orders,
invoices, advanced ship notices) still are faxed, he says. Two reasons are that
fax delivery is guaranteed and is considered a legal document while e-mail is
neither. So, fax remains the cheaper alternative to mail, which can cost as much
as $1 per message whereas a fax is only pennies.

FaxCore 4300 is a Web-based solution
for centralizing, controlling and managing fax communications. FaxCore’s
"mixed-mode" messaging capability allows users to send documents via
fax and/or e-mail transmissions by selecting recipients from address books or
one-off addresses. Utilizing an advanced SMTP communications engine, FaxCore can
track and manage notifications and scheduling or can be integrated with
Microsoft Exchange and other e-mail platforms. Using a thin-client system,
FaxCore can "fax-enable" other applications, including CRM, ERP,
financial and standard Microsoft Office productivity software with as few as 10
lines of code.

FaxCore 4300 is available starting
at $1,995. FaxCore also offers a hosted fax communications service. FaxCore
offers its partners margins of at least 35 percent.

Linhard says one the biggest reasons
a partner would want to consider adding fax solutions is because it still is a
high-margin business. Right now, he adds, much of the legacy technology is
primed for replacement.

"As a new FaxCore Business
Partner, we have begun deploying FaxCore 4300 — and in most cases replacing
older fax server solutions," affirms Paul Banco, vice president of sales,
CiBan Inc., a technology reseller based in New Jersey. "The thin-client
platform allows us to integrate a broad range of features and functionality,
including custom applications that are providing clients with the capability to
streamline their internal operations."

One of the more useful applications
is archiving, Banco notes, He cites the example of a township that must file and
retrieve legal documents such as titles and deeds. One you bring it into the
server, Linhard adds, it’s there forever and can be retrieved based on key word

Banco adds compared to earlier fax
server solutions, FaxCore is much easier and faster to install, enabling him to
make more money on each job than before.

FaxCore also provides a platform to
customize solutions, creating additional revenue opportunities for add-on system
sales and service. Additionally, the program offers training, lead generation
and the opportunity to participate in a range of promotional activities, such as
direct mail campaigns, seminars and trade shows.

Depending on the dollar sales,
FaxCore offers its partners three levels — Business, Gold and Platinum. In
addition, FaxCore is developing a "Summit Club" program that rewards
top performers with vacations to exotic destinations. This program is open to
FaxCore partners that have done at least $1 million in sales annually.

All new partners receive a starter
kit, which includes a welcome letter with a copy of the signed agreement,
information on the FaxCore Partner Program, a FaxCore Partner Program wall
plaque, FaxCore shirts and other promotional material and training. Marketing
information and programs (except co-op) are available to all partners as part of
the Starter Kit. Co-op program details are provided only to partners at the
business level or above.

How FaxCore Mobilizes Documents
Source: FaxCore Corp.


FaxCore Corp. www.faxcore.comDavidson Consulting www.davidsonconsulting.comCiBan Inc.

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