Peer-to-Peer Blog: Geo-Targeted SEO for SIP Trunking

Read a bit on the Web about SEO, SEM and geo-targeting, or bring on a consultant to get you started. It is proving to be the best way to market to local buyers when their interest is peaking.

March 11, 2011

3 Min Read
Peer-to-Peer Blog: Geo-Targeted SEO for SIP Trunking

By David Byrd

David ByrdPreviously, I discussed the value of geo-targeting using Google. In the last couple of weeks we have developed our first geo-targeted SEO campaign. As a result of the merger with Cypress Communications, Broadvox inherited over 600 buildings with shared tenant services customers. The sheer number of customers and potential prospects these 600 buildings represent require contemporary marketing methodologies. In our internal discussions the usual ideas were presented. Develop billing inserts for our existing customers and conduct lobby events to attract new tenants. While the billing inserts work for existing customers since they are an identifiable group and should have an interest in any initiated communication, lobby events left me cold. One, they take time to set up, and two, they need be conducted periodically such as once per quarter. That does not address the continual movement experienced by the building management and the number of needed events. Even when the buildings are addressed by priority, the number of events would exceed several hundred. To that end, Malachi, our Internet marketing manager, and I, developed a concept to attack the buildings by address with dedicated landing pages.

This method of geo-targeted SEO will place us in front of anyone that types in the name or location of one of our buildings. We will now learn several things. We will be alerted to companies wanting to acquire space in the buildings, change addresses in the buildings or are performing a general search. Since Broadvox can service the prospects whether they actually lease space in the building or go elsewhere, we have the opportunity of marketing our products in advance of them securing communications services. Working with our webmaster, we developed unique landing pages for all 600 buildings in less than a week. Now thats drinking the geo-targeting Kool-Aid big time.

Additionally, one of our VARs asked us for a co-marketing campaign. As I discussed his co-marketing experience with other companies, I found they were using lead-generation firms and delivering x” number of leads for a period of time. Since the VAR services Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Malachi and I quickly researched whether the area was being geo-targeted by any other IP equipment vendors offering VoIP/SIP Trunking. The answer appears to be perhaps one or two. That said, by developing a better local” ad, our VAR should stand out in the search results. The VAR hasnt agreed to launch the program yet, but we believe it is the best way to generate warm leads at the lowest cost for an extended period of time.

As before, we suggest studying up on SEO, SEM and geo-targeting. Read a bit on the Web or bring on a consultant to get you started. It is proving to be the best way to market to local buyers when their interest is peaking. Geo-targeting rocks!

David Byrd is vice president of marketing and sales for


, and is responsible for marketing and channel sales programs to SMBs, enterprises and carriers as well as defining the product offering. Prior to joining Broadvox, David was the vice president of Channels and Alliances for Eftia and Telcordia. As director of eBusiness Development with i2 Technologies, he developed major partnerships with many of the leaders in Internet eCommerce and supply chain management. As CEO of Planet Hollywood Online he was a pioneer in using early Internet technologies to build a branded entertainment and eCommerce website company partnered with Planet Hollywood. Having over 20 years of telecom sales and marketing experience, he has held executive positions with Hewlett-Packard, Sprint and Ericsson.

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