PowerNet Global Launches Unlimited High Speed Dial-Up

Channel Partners

March 23, 2004

2 Min Read
PowerNet Global Launches Unlimited High Speed Dial-Up

PowerNet Global Communications (Booth 404) is launching a new unlimited dial-up Internet access service that delivers up to five times faster Web surfing and a pop-up blocker. It will require no additional hardware and works with a regular phone jack. The standard price will be $14.95 per month, with lower prices available when bundled with other services. PowerNet Global will market unlimited high-speed dial-up through its 2,000 nationwide agents and affinity groups and expects to start the program in April.

The company says agents should plan on boosting revenue per customer on existing and new business, resulting in top commissions. It also says the high speed dial-up will provide a competitive advantage in the dial-up market by matching NetZero HiSpeed functionality, but providing free tech support and all other calling services bundled on one bill.

"For our residential and affinity markets, it’s important that we offer exciting new values to build upon our retention and boost revenue per customer for our agents," says Larry Moses, executive vice president. "We expect an enormous response to high-speed dial-up at our price points, with five e-mail accounts, a pop-up blocker and 24-hour technical support included. There’s simply not a comparable value out there, and when you combine all the services we can bundle on one simple bill, it’s a powerful sales scenario."

The new service uses caching and compression technology to provide an accelerated Web surfing experience. The technology compresses graphics and stores data when users access Web sites, meaning that pages load up to five times faster and, the more the high-speed service is used, the faster frequently accessed pages will load.

The unlimited high-speed service also will be an option for PowerNet’s Virtual ISP customers. Virtual ISP allows organizations or affinity groups to become Internet service providers without the resources traditionally needed to operate a fully branded ISP program.

PowerNet Global licensed the core compression and certain caching technologies for this service from SlipStream Data Inc.

The service will not be available for Mac users.

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