Product News March 2003

Channel Partners

March 1, 2003

3 Min Read
Product News

Posted: 3/2003


Arbinet-thexchange has opened
AXCESSRATE, its spot market price and quality data service, to nonmember
carriers worldwide. AXCESSRATE provides the actual average, high and low prices
agreed upon between more than 250 carriers each day to 500-plus top
international destinations.

Taking the guesswork out of trading
capacity, AXCESSRATES provides real transaction data rather than generic price
quotes, and includes:

  • Prior day’s price average

  • High and low transacted prices for more than 500 destinations

  • Average,-high-and low-priced route quality, as measured through the switches

  • Percentage price change for each destination over the prior day

  • The top 10 price percentage gainers and losers over the prior day

75 Broad St., 20th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2112
+1 917 320 2000


TeleGea Inc. has introduced Service
Delivery Assurance, a solution to optimize service delivery, providing the
technology to rapidly introduce and deploy communications services, integrated
with analytical capabilities that empower customers to monitor, understand and
strategically improve the entire service delivery process.

Powered by TeleGea’s Accelerator
Platform technology, Service Delivery Assurance integrates design-time
capabilities for rapid service introduction, combined with run-time capabilities
for delivery assurance. Leveraging TeleGea’s See the Results approach, metrics
reflecting the entire service delivery process are stored, analyzed, trended and
ultimately displayed in real-time via AP InSight.

TeleGea Inc.
245 Winter St., Suite 100
Waltham, MA 02451
+1 781 466 6688


Profitec Inc. is updating its
flagship OmniBill product line with the addition of front-end online order-entry
modules – OmniSignup and OmniAgent — and a new order-management system,
OmniFlow. In addition, it has enhanced its OmniView internet billing and payment
application to include customer self-care capabilities.

The new functionality has been
available to existing OmniBill customers since December, and the company is now
rolling it out commercially. The new applications fully integrate with the
existing OmniBill system to provide a mechanism to manage the entire customer
life cycle.

So, new orders can be entered online
by customers or sales agents. Those orders are validated by OmniScrub, an
application that automatically reaches out to validate address, credit and
credit card information in real time. Based on user-defined business rules,
accepted orders are delivered to the order management and provisioning system
for processing.

Omniflow follows the movement of an
order as it passes through all relevant checkpoints and ensures that any
outstanding items are identified for exception management. OmniBill with
OmniFlow can perform complex applications like direct electronic provisioning or
upstream delivery of the local component to trigger a customer service request.
Having facilitated the local turnup, Omnibill then receives line and feature
information that is imported and appended to the previously established account.
Most local activity involves electronically moving data elements instead of
manual entry and unnecessary duplication. Client-defined rules in the flow
control administrator identify action items based upon the order complexion.

Once activated, an account’s status,
usage to date, prebilled usage and invoices are accessible via the Web using
OmniView. New self-care capabilities include online chat, subject-specific
messaging and FAQs.

On an ongoing basis, the Omnibill
master database program provides complete support for client relationship
maintenance including trouble reporting and receivables management.

Profitec Inc.
1 Barnes Park S.
Wallingford, CT 06492
+ 1 203 679 7000
+1 800 360 1910

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