Presidio: Managed Services Meet Cloud Services

Presidio, a Solution Provider 500 (formerly VAR500) company, has launched its next-generation managed services portfolio for customers. It includes cloud services capabilities as well.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

July 24, 2013

2 Min Read
Presidio VP Ricky Santos is leading the managed services charge
Presidio VP Ricky Santos is leading the managed services charge.

Presidio, a Solution Provider 500 (formerly VAR500) company, has launched its next-generation managed services portfolio for customers. Take a closer look and you’ll notice it blends managed IT services, private cloud and public cloud capabilities. Ricky Santos, VP of cloud and technology services, is leading the charge. The Accenture and Dell veteran described the strategy to MSPmentor.

Santos’s background includes infrastructure outsourcing, security and cloud services. Working with the Presidio team, he designed a managed services practice focused on processes, policies and assets. Whether the customer needs on-premises managed services, a single tenant cloud (on premises or off premises) or public cloud services, Presidio stands ready to assist, Santos said.

The managed services include:

  • Network Services

  • Collaboration Services

  • Data Center Services

  • IT Security Services

  • Workplace Services

  • Service Management

Under each category Presidio will offer a standard but flexible model, allowing services to stand-alone or be bundled to meet a client’s specific requirements, the company indicated.

Santos also said Presidio can help customers with hybrid clouds — leveraging existing on-premises investments while stretching out to public systems.

Seasoned Team

Presidio, which acquired BlueWater Communications Group in 2012, has plenty of managed services experience — as does BlueWater.

BlueWater co-founder Bob Cagnazzi now runs Presidio as CEO, and he previously oversaw the launch of BLUE — a network operations center (NOC) on Long Island and in Manhattan that monitors customer assets across the New York Tri-state area.

In a prepared statement about this latest managed services push, Cagnazzi said: “At Presidio our objective is to enable our clients to leverage their technology investments as quickly and efficiently as possible. The more resources and cycles they can spend on their own business innovation as opposed to maintenance and operations enhances the financial impact they can have to their organizations. Managed Services is core to our business so it does not have to be for our clients.”

Presidio could become a massive player in the MSP industry. The company employs more than 2,400 IT professionals, 1,500 of which are engineers with over 2000 industry certifications. Those experts are based in more than 50 offices across the U.S.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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