Sage: Channel Partners Should Focus On Advisory Services

SMBs are in growing need of resellers who can provide advisory services and help them choose the right products, according to new data from Sage.

Christopher Hutton, Technology Reporter

June 27, 2024

2 Min Read
Channel partners should take on advisory services, new research shows.

Channel partners need to embrace their roles providing digital advisory services to help companies make the right decisions for the future, according to a new survey.

Sage on Thursday released a new report detailing the needs of partners and their customers. It found that technology resellers' roles are evolving in a way that require them to act as someone who helps their client understand the technology as much as they sell it.

More than 54% of resellers said their SMB customers were "fairly digitally agile," a term used by Sage to describe a client's ability to use high-end technology like AI or cloud computing to adapt to market changes and technological advances.

MNP's Dan Caringi

"You're a trusted advisor," Dan Caringi, partner and business platforms leader at MNP in Toronto said during a media roundtable on the report. "That's somewhat of an overused phrase, but something that rings true in accounting firms and clients, So when we look at our clients, they're busy running their business. They're certainly not experts, especially in the SMB space with technology transform information [and] all the app stacks that are out there. I think that our competition is driving quick, implementation-only services to the market. So it does make it difficult for us to bring that dollar value back up and show the value that I believe partners can bring."

Many resellers have already begun transitioning into such a role, according to Sage's report. More than one-half (55%) said that they transitioned to more of a digital advisory services role in the last year, while 54% said that they're focused on encouraging SMB customers to use more innovative technologies.

Sage's Sippora Veen

“We see the channel growing at an accelerated pace as a result of the pivotal role it plays in digital transformation through the integration of technologies like AI and cloud computing,” explained Sippora Veen, VP of global partner marketing for Sage. “This is driving significant opportunities for channel partners to evolve into advisory roles, where they foster innovation and enhance efficiencies. For SMBs, the benefit is easier access to advanced solutions, practical applications and expert guidance on handling digital challenges. By adopting this strategy, channel partners continue to meet current demands but also start to shape the future of businesses in a meaningful way, ensuring sustained growth and development in the global economy.”

If resellers want to help their customers become more digitally agile, Sage claims, they'll need to help businesses optimize their services, provide insights on industry trends and provide specialized services for the particular industries.

This includes helping customers buy appropriate AI-powered products and properly installing cybersecurity measures, resellers told Sage.

About the Author(s)

Christopher Hutton

Technology Reporter, Channel Futures

Christopher Hutton is a technology reporter at Channel Futures. He previously worked at the Washington Examiner, where he covered tech policy on the Hill. He currently covers MSPs and developing technologies. He has a Master's degree in sociology from Ball State University.

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