Green Managed Service Providers: More Than Hype?Green Managed Service Providers: More Than Hype?
Forgive me, but I’m frequently skeptical when managed service providers and IT vendors say they are promoting “green” initiatives. Quite a few companies are merely jumping on the green bandwagon without really practicing what they preach. But a few people — most notably Tech Networks of Boston Founder Susan Labandibar — truly understand how green IT can benefit businesses and the environment.
Here’s some more background on the green initiatives at Tech Networks of Boston.
If you scan through our complete MSPmentor 250 report (a PDF download, registration required), you’ll find the following blurb about Susan:
Long before green computing became the rage, Susan was committed to being a low-carbon footprint managed service provider. Her company’s values have always included recycling, economy, and caring support. As an MSP, Tech Networks delivers onsite service via public transportation or the company car: A Toyota Prius.
Beginning in 2006, clients who needed new computers were offered the power-sipping Earth-PC and Earth-Server. In 2008, Tech Networks was one of the first MSPs to use Kaseya’s user-state management tool to centrally control power management settings, while working on a green IT services project to quantify the IT carbon footprint of each client.
The next time you claim you’re serious about green computing give that blurb above another read. Susan’s business — Tech Networks of Boston — was designed to be green. It’s in her DNA. You can’t fake that type of commitment. If you do, customers will see right through you.
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