gSocial Conference: Connecting Google Apps Resellers and ISVsgSocial Conference: Connecting Google Apps Resellers and ISVs
October 31, 2011
google apps reseller
A consortium of Google Apps Authorized Resellers and ISVs have banded together for the gSocial Conference, a first-of-its-kind channel event to be held on November 8-9 in Santa Clara, Calif. It’s designed to help the Google pros in attendance build their businesses and develop best practices. Oh, and resellers can attend for free.While Google will be making a showing to promote market expansion strategies, the conference’s organization was led by Google Apps Marketplace developer Backupify. This isn’t the first time Backupify has participated in Google community organization: it was part of the Secure Cloud Bundle, the first time that Google ISVs had partnered up independently for a complete ecosystem solution. Other event sponsors include Sprint Wholesale Services, Zoho, and CloudLock.
The gSocial schedule doesn’t go into deep details on specific sessions, but there are separate ISV and reseller breakout events over the course of the day. And there’s an interesting-looking “Speed Dating” session where developers get 15 minutes to pitch their solution to resellers.
Conference organizers were nice enough to invite me down to Techmart in Santa Clara from my current home base in San Francsico, and I may just take them up on it, so stay tuned to TalkinCloud for updates.
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