HTG Peer Groups: Preparing MSPs for Cloud Computing?HTG Peer Groups: Preparing MSPs for Cloud Computing?

Over the past decade or so, organizations like HTG Peer Groups have helped VARs to transform into managed services providers (MSPs). The next natural question: Will those peer groups help VARs and MSPs to master cloud computing? HTG Peer Groups President Scott Scrogin provides some thoughts in this Talkin' Cloud FastChat Video.

December 6, 2010

By samdizzy

Over the past decade or so, organizations like HTG Peer Groups have helped VARs to transform into managed services providers (MSPs). The next natural question: Will those peer groups help VARs and MSPs to master cloud computing? HTG Peer Groups President Scott Scrogin provides some thoughts in this Talkin’ Cloud FastChat Video.

First, a little background: Peer groups allow VARs and MSPs from non-competing regions to meet in small groups (typically about 12 executives). During the closed-door gatherings, the executives can compare and contrast business strategies, financial performance and next moves.

On the cloud front Scrogin sees the situation pretty clearly: To potentially cash in on cloud computing, VARs and MSPs will need to evolve their sales, marketing and technology mindsets. Hardly surprising, scores of HTG members have already taken those steps.

Just ask Dave Sobel, president of Evolve Technologies, a $1.1 million MSP in the Washington, D.C., area. Sobel is active within HTG Peer Groups, sharing some strong opinions about how to compete against major IT vendors. Instead of competing purely on cost, Sobel focuses on branded cloud services that include multiple components — hosted email, anti-spam, online backup, etc.

Moreover, Sobel is careful to choose cloud solutions that he can easily plug in (or remove) from his services portfolio. One prime example: Sobel recently shifted from one anti-spam provider to another without impacting end-customer systems.

How many HTG Peer Group members will succeed in the cloud? We’ll be watching and listening for answers.

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