3 Differentiators to Look For in a Backup Vendor3 Differentiators to Look For in a Backup Vendor

Looking for a backup vendor? Datto recently outlined three differentiators that a managed service provider (MSP) should consider during its search.

Dan Kobialka, Contributing writer

November 21, 2014

2 Min Read
3 Differentiators to Look For in a Backup Vendor

A backup vendor is essential for a managed service provider (MSP) that wants to optimize the value of its offerings, according to data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solutions provider Datto.

It is vital, however, for a backup vendor to help an MSP fulfill its short- and long-term BDR goals; otherwise, a service provider could put its customers and their sensitive data at risk if it cannot deliver BDR support.

So what should an MSP look for in a backup vendor? Datto recently outlined three differentiators that a service provider should consider during its search for the quintessential backup vendor:

  1. A multi-faceted backup solution – Datto pointed out that a multi-faceted backup solution can “ensure full data protection for businesses and maximize the value [that MSPs] can deliver to their customers.” A multi-faceted backup solution typically offers instant virtualization based on virtual machine disk image-based backups, redundant backups in secure locations and testing and proof of backup.

  2. Time-based retention and predictable cloud billing – Time-based retention and predictable cloud billing are key, Datto said. MSPs that leverage time-based retention can take advantage of storage that is based on time frames (such as one-, three- or seven-year options) and offer a simple price per appliance. Datto noted time-based retention can make it easier for MSPs to estimate their recurring revenues too.

  3. Genuine support – Every business wants to turn a profit, but that doesn’t mean a company should focus exclusively on the almighty dollar. Instead, a backup vendor should offer genuine support to MSPs and their customers. Datto recommended MSPs should make sure a backup vendor offers around-the-clock support in a disaster and has an in-house, dedicated support and account management team as well.

A backup vendor that offers a “complete” solution can ensure that an MSP can fully support its customers in a disaster.

Use these differentiators to find a backup vendor that can support your business and its customers for years to come.

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About the Author

Dan Kobialka

Contributing writer, Penton Technology

Dan Kobialka is a contributing writer for MSPmentor and Talkin' Cloud. In the past, he has produced content for numerous print and online publications, including the Boston Business Journal, Boston Herald and Patch.com. Dan holds a M.A. in Print and Multimedia Journalism from Emerson College and a B.A. in English from Bridgewater State College (now Bridgewater State University). In his free time, Kobialka enjoys jogging, traveling, playing sports, touring breweries and watching football (Go Patriots!).  

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