3 Differentiators to Look For in a Backup Vendor3 Differentiators to Look For in a Backup Vendor
Looking for a backup vendor? Datto recently outlined three differentiators that a managed service provider (MSP) should consider during its search.
A backup vendor is essential for a managed service provider (MSP) that wants to optimize the value of its offerings, according to data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solutions provider Datto.
It is vital, however, for a backup vendor to help an MSP fulfill its short- and long-term BDR goals; otherwise, a service provider could put its customers and their sensitive data at risk if it cannot deliver BDR support.
So what should an MSP look for in a backup vendor? Datto recently outlined three differentiators that a service provider should consider during its search for the quintessential backup vendor:
A multi-faceted backup solution – Datto pointed out that a multi-faceted backup solution can “ensure full data protection for businesses and maximize the value [that MSPs] can deliver to their customers.” A multi-faceted backup solution typically offers instant virtualization based on virtual machine disk image-based backups, redundant backups in secure locations and testing and proof of backup.
Time-based retention and predictable cloud billing – Time-based retention and predictable cloud billing are key, Datto said. MSPs that leverage time-based retention can take advantage of storage that is based on time frames (such as one-, three- or seven-year options) and offer a simple price per appliance. Datto noted time-based retention can make it easier for MSPs to estimate their recurring revenues too.
Genuine support – Every business wants to turn a profit, but that doesn’t mean a company should focus exclusively on the almighty dollar. Instead, a backup vendor should offer genuine support to MSPs and their customers. Datto recommended MSPs should make sure a backup vendor offers around-the-clock support in a disaster and has an in-house, dedicated support and account management team as well.
A backup vendor that offers a “complete” solution can ensure that an MSP can fully support its customers in a disaster.
Use these differentiators to find a backup vendor that can support your business and its customers for years to come.
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