N-able: CEO Garbutt Embraces CIOs as N-central 7.2 ArrivesN-able: CEO Garbutt Embraces CIOs as N-central 7.2 Arrives
At first glance, N-able Technologies is marching forward with its traditional business strategy -- launching N-central 7.2 to help managed services providers (MSPs) better serve their customers.
February 8, 2011
Gavin Garbutt N-able
At first glance, N-able Technologies is marching forward with its traditional business strategy — launching N-central 7.2 to help managed services providers (MSPs) better serve their customers. But take a closer look and you’ll find N-able CEO Gavin Garbutt (pictured) evangelizing managed services and IT automation to the the CIO community. But don’t worry: N-able isn’t pursuing direct sales into the corporate IT market. Instead, Garbutt continues to connect the dots between MSPs and mid-market corporate IT opportunities. Here’s how.Let’s start with the software upgrade. N-central 7.2 is a free update to N-able’s managed services partners. According to N-able, the core N-central 7.2 updates offer:
Automatic patch approval to potentially eliminate headaches and drive down the costs associated with patch management.
Bi-directional ticket integration with ConnectWise and Autotask, two popular PSA (professional services automation) platforms. N-central will now automate the opening of a ticket, status updates, and the ticket’s closure. (We’re checking on Tigerpaw PSA integration.)
A redesigned remote control that aims to strike a better balance between speed and performance.
The ability for service providers and help desk staff to start remote control sessions via UDP hole punching — potentially a help when SSH isn’t allowed at the site.
Enhanced discovery and reporting tools, including license key inventorying and compliance reports, potentially making it easier for MSPs to demonstrate the value of their services and the health of the network.
N-able claims 210 partners have already downloaded N-central 7.2. Meanwhile, N-able’s partner base seems to be in growth mode, especially in the SMB market, boosted by freemium offers. Also, N-able is launching an MSP roadshow to further promote N-able solutions to the channel. N-able certainly isn’t alone on the road. Most of the major RMM (remote monitoring and management) software providers seem to be hosting major roadshow events at the present time.
Valued Community
Meanwhile, N-able CEO Gavin Garbutt is taking his message to a slightly different audience. Specifically, Garbutt is expected to address CIOs at a New York conference later this month. Schedule permitting, MSPmentor will be there to listen in on Garbutt’s thoughts.
In addition to positioning N-central for MSPs, N-able promotes its software to mid-market corporate IT departments. To drive the effort, N-able routes mid-market sales leads to its MSP and channel partners. Garbutt has stated that N-able won’t sell direct, and will continue to depend on MSPs and channel partners for success in the mid-market.
Additional insights from Joe Panettieri. Sign up for MSPmentor’s Weekly Enewsletter, Webcasts and Resource Center. Follow us via RSS, Facebook, Identi.ca and Twitter. Check out more MSP voices at www.MSPtweet.com. Read our editorial disclosure here.
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