Matrix Hires Vice President of Channels

Click to find out whom the data center and IT provider has appointed to oversee its partner strategy.

Channel Partners

June 3, 2014

1 Min Read
Matrix Hires Vice President of Channels

**Editor’s Note: Click here to see which channel people were on the move in April and May.**

Data center and IT provider Matrix IBS has hired a vice president of channels.

Scott Lee steps in with a 15-year background in the communications industry. He comes to Matrix from ServerCentral, where he served as director of channels for almost five years; before that, he was director of sales for nLayer Communications. He has worked for a number of other companies as well.

Lee will collaborate with Neely Loring, president of Matrix, to facilitate the company’s channel expansion.

“In 2002, Matrix decided to focus solely on the channel and create partnerships that would support the success of our company and those who represent us,” Loring said in a press release. “Our recent growth has created the perfect juncture for Scott to contribute his expertise to pair precise opportunities between channel partners and our service offerings.”

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