Kaseya Names New CEO as Gupta Steps into Chairman Role

Two years after he took the helm of remote monitoring and management provider Kaseya, Yogesh Gupta is moving into the chairman role and making room for a new leader at the top. Here are the details.

Jessica Davis

July 7, 2015

2 Min Read
Yogesh Gupta who joined Kaseya as CEO two years ago is stepping into the chairman39s role to make room for a new top executive
Yogesh Gupta who joined Kaseya as CEO two years ago is stepping into the chairman's role to make room for a new top executive.

Remote monitoring and management provider Kaseya has named Fred Voccola as its new CEO with Yogesh Gupta who has served as top executive for just over two years stepping into the role of chairman of the board. Those who follow the managed services market will remember that Gupta joined around the time that Kaseya was acquired by Insight Venture Partners.

So who is Fred Voccola and what does he bring to Kaseya? Gupta said that Voccola has an “outstanding track record of driving transformational growth for high-velocity software businesses and investing in the success of his customers.”

Investing in the success of customers — in this case, MSPs — is certainly be important to Kaseya managed service provider partners going forward. It’s unclear how Voccola will implement that in his new role heading up the RMM and IT monitoring and management company. But Kaseya did provide us with some details about how Voccola acquired this track record.

Voccola’s resume includes stints at a series of venture and private equity-backed businesses across industries including infrastructure, software, financial technology, ad technology, business analytics and marketing automation.

Voccola joins Kaseya from a digital marketing automation company that serves local small and mid-sized businesses called Yodle, where he served as president and general manager of the company’s Brand Networks Division. He’s also served as president of the DevOps software as a service company, Nolio, where he drove 100 percent year-over-year growth and ultimately sold the company to Computer Associates (CA).

In previous roles he participating in raising venture capital to jumpstart growth and in engineering deals to sell startups to larger companies.

We’ve reached out to Kaseya and plan to bring you an interview with Kaseya executives soon. Meanwhile, in its official release announcing the changes to the executive suite, the company pointed out the following accomplishments achieved under Gupta’s watch as CEO:

  • Moving more customers to the cloud from on-premise. Nearly 70 percent of Kaseya’s new customers purchased its cloud offering in 2014

  • Growing new cloud subscriptions by almost 40 percent year-over-year in 2014

  • Changing the company’s revenue model to be subscription-based from a predominantly on-premise perpetual model

  • Growing the global channel business 40 percent, year-over-year in 2014

  • Implementing an agile product development model and accelerating Kaseya product releases to three, high-quality releases per year

  • Significant investment in the performance, reliability and security of the core VSA IT management product, including unveiling a fast remote control technology.

  • Acquisition and integration of key complementary technologies, including Scorpion Software for Identity and Access Management (IAM), RoverApps for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) management, 365 Command for cloud application administration, and Zyrion for cloud monitoring and management.

MSPmentor will continue following this news and bring you more information when we have it.



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About the Author

Jessica Davis

Jessica Davis is the former Content Director for MSPmentor. She spent her career covering the intersection of business and technology.  She's also served as Editor in Chief at Channel Insider and held senior editorial roles at InfoWorld and Electronic News.

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